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Bacteria type slide coccus,bacillus & spirillum

Bacillus subtilis

Rhizobium meliloti,nitrogen fixing in root of legume

Spirillum volutams,large spirllum










Spirogyra,one chloroplast in each cell

Spirogyra,several chloroplasts in each cell

Spirogyra,conjugation,several stages


Laminaria japonica,sec.of sori

Rhizopus,bread mold,development of sporangia

Penicillium,sec,showing conidia on broom–like conidiophores w.m

Aspergillus,conidia on spherical conidiophores w.m.

Saccharomyces,yeast w.m.showing nucleus & budding

Peziza,cup–fungus,sec.of apothecium with asci

Ustilago tritici,loose smut of wheat

Ustilago zeae,com smut,sec of pustule showing development of chlamydospores

Coprinus,sec.showing basidia & spores

Lichen,sec.of vegetative portion of thallus

Lichen,sec.of apothecium

Marchantia polymorpha,sec.of thallus

Marchantia,sec.of cupule with gemmae

Marchantia,gemmae w.m.(vegetative reproduction)

Marchantia,sec.of archegonial branch showing archegonia

Marchantia,sec.of antheridial branch showing archegonia

Marchantia,sec.of mature sporophyte

Moss,L.S of antheridial cluster with antheridia

Moss,L.S of archegonial head with archegonia

Moss,protonema w.m.

Moss,sporophyte attached to the gametophyte w.m.

Fem,sec.of leaf with sporangia

Fem,X.S.of rhizome

Salvinia,floating ferm,L.S.of sporocarps

Fern prothallium w.m. of young specimen showing antheridia only

Fern prothallium w.m. of young specimen showing archegonia only

Fern prothallium typical specimen showing both antheridia archegonia w.m.

Fem prothallium,w.m.young sporophyte

Ginkgo.X.S of leaf petiole

Pinus,X.S of leaf

Pinus,first year stem X.S.

Pinus,mature wood X.S.

Pinus,mature wood rad sec

Pintus,mature wood tang.sec.

Pintus.macerated wood tracheids other cells isolated

Pinus,cec. Of? young male strobilus showing meiosis

Pinus,median L.S. of male strobilus with axis, microsporophylls microsporangiums

Pinus,X.S of male strobilus with microsproes

Pinus,w.m. of mature pollen grains

Pinus,L.S. of young female cone showing bracts ovuliferous scales bearing ovules

Daucus,carofa,X.S. of fleshy tap root

Helianthus,sunflower X.S. of mature root

Cuscuta,sosser,onhost X.S.showing haustorium

Ranunculus,X.S. of young root showing protoxylem protophloem

Ranunculus,X.S. of mature root showing metaxylem radial bundle type

Vicia,L.S. of root-tip for mitosis

Vicia faba,kidney bean,L.S. of young root tip showing root cap

Vicia faba,X.S.of young root showing root hair

Vicia,X.S. of older root

Vicia faba,X.S.of root showing development of lateral roots

Ipomoea,sweat potato.X.S. of fleshy root showing food storage

Allium,onion,L.S. of root-tips showing every stage in cell division mitosis

Allium,root-tip X.S. at several different levels

Orchid.X.S. of aerial root

Zea mays,com.L.S. of root tip showing root cap etc.

Zea mays,com.L.S. of root.polyarch arrangement

Rice.X.S. of root showing aerenchyma

Triticum,wheat,X.S. of root

Cuscuta,pumpkin.X.S. of stem,best type for study of phloem,showing sieve plates etc.

Cuscuta,L.S. of stem,showing sieve tubes etc.

Helianthus. Sunflower stem X.S. showing typical dicot stem

Helianthus,sunflower stem.L.S.

Pelargonium,geranium,X.S. of young stem

Pelargonium.X.S. of old stem showing secondary vascular tissue cork

Cotton,stem X.S.

Ricinus,caster bean,X.S. of stem showing typical vascular structure

Buxus L.S. of stem tip showing meristematic tissue

Mymphaea,water lily,X.S.of aquatic stem showing air chamber

Nymphaea,water lily,X.S. of aguatic stem showing reduced vascular tissue sipcular cells

Solanum,lrish potato,X.S. of mature tuber stainted for starch grains

Tilia,basswood,X.S. of lst year stem

Tilia,X.S. of 2 year stem

Tilia,X.S. of 3-year stem

Tilia,X.S. of older stem(4 or 5 years)showing mature structure with annual rings

Tilia.L.S. of older stem(4 or 5 years)

Tilia,macerated wood,showing individual wood fibers

Salix,willow.X.S. of stem

Nerium stem X.S.

Sambucus,elder,sec.of bark with lenticel

Zea mays,com,X.S.of stem showing typical monocot stem

Zea,stem L.S.

Zea X.S.of young stem enclosed in sheath,leaves

Rice X.S. of stem

Tricicum,wheat,X.S. of stem showing few scattered bundles

Leaf bud L.S.showing liaf development

Pittosporum,X.S.ofa typical dicot leaf

Cotton,leaf X.S.

Vicia,dicot leaf, w.m.of epidermis showing stomata

Nerium leaf X.S.showing sunken stomata pits cuticle etc.

Nicotiana,tobacce X.S.of leaf with glandular hairs

Pelargonium,geranium,X.S.of leaf showing cystolith in a xerophyte

Ficus,rubber plant,X.S.of leaf showing cystolith in a xerophyte

Nymphaea,water lily,X.S.of floating leaf showing spongy tissue, air chambers spicular cells

Allium,onion,w.m.of epidermis showing cells nuclei

Lris,w.m.of epidermis showing stomata

Lilium,X.S.of a typical monocot leaf

Zea mays,com,X.S.of liaf showing separate bundles

Triticum,wheat.X.S.of leaf(grass type)

Rice,X.S.of leaf

Capsella,sec.of developing flower spike showing various staegs in the development of the floral parts

Lilium,X.S.of typical monocot flower

Pollen types w.m. of a great variety of pollens,mixed

Pollen tubes w.m.of germinated pollen

Zea mays,corn.L.S.of kernel through embryo

Tricicum,wheat,L.S.of endosperm showing stored food

Ricinus,castro bean,X.S.of endosperm showing stored food

Diospyros,endosperm section showing plasmodesma

Capsella,L.S.of ovule with embryo at early stage showing origin of plerome.periblem dermatogen

Capsella,L.S.of embryo with cotyledons just differentiating

Capsella,L.S.of embryo with young cotyledons

Capsella.L.S.of mature embryo with cotyledons

Lilium,X.S.of anther showing pollen grains

Lilium,L.S.of anther showing pollen chambersgrains

Lilium,X..S.of very young anther showing early sporogenous tissue

Lilium,X.S.of young anther showing microspore mother cells

Lilium,X.S.of anther with microspore mother cells in prophase

Lilium,anther sec.showing lst division (heterotypic)in microspore mother cells

Lilium anther sec.showing second division(homeotypic)

Lilium sec.of anther showing terads

Lilium sec.of anther showing pollen grains at time of shedding(2-cell stage)

Lilium,w.m. of mature pollen

Lilium,L.S.of style &stigma,showing pollen grains

Lilium,X.S.of of ovary showing general structure & arrangement of of ovules

Lilium,X.S.of.young ovary showing ovules with megaspore mother cells(uninuclear embryo sac.

Lilium,X.S.of ovary,ovules showing first division of megaspore mother? cell.heterotypic division

Lilium,X.S.of ovary,ovules showing binucleate embryo sac.

Capsella,L.S.of embryo with cotyledons just differentiating