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About Comparison Microscope MIC-W10

By optical zoom, comparison microscope is used for macro of micro comparison of two or more objects in cutting or overlapping view field through one group of eyepieces observing left and right objective view fields. As clear imaging, high resolution, so you can identify the small differences


Technical Parameters of Comparison Microscope MIC-W10

Optical magnification range: 2.5X~280X

Eyepieces: 10X, 16X, 25X

Objectives: 0.7X~4.5X focusing (including 0.3X, 2X additional objectives)

Working distance:100mm

Illumination: 12V50W air-blast strong light source, adjustable; 12V50WФ100mmcold light source, adjustable; 8W fluorescent light source

Digital colored image output: 1/3", 480 pair

Operating system control data:0.01mm

Power supply:220 ACinput, 12V DC output, accords with international safety standard

Accessories: this instrument is compatible with all accessories and configuration of MIC-W5B, MIC-W6