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DHV-1000(Z) micro hardness tester

Main Features

DHV-1000(Z) Micro Vickers Hardness Tester made with a unique and precise design in the field of mechanics ,optics and light source is able to produce a clearer indentation and hence a more precise measurement. By means of a 20 × lens and a 40 × lens the tester has a wider measurement field and a broader usage range. Equipped with a digital microscope, it shows the measuring methods, the test force, the indentation length, the hardness value, the dwell time of the test force as well as the number of the measurements —— all shown on its LCD screen. What is more, it is equipped with an interface linked to a digital camera and a CCD video—camera, and is, therefore, a representative of the products of the same kind in the country.

Usage Range:

Ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, IC thin sections, coatings, ply-metals;

Glass, ceramics, agate, precious stones;

Hardness testing such as that on the depth and the trapezium of the carbonized layers and quench hardened layers.

Technical Features

1. Test Forces

(0.098, 0.246, 0.49, 0.98, 1.96, 2.94, 4.90, 9.80) N

(10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500, 1000) gf

2.Carriage Control: automatic ( loading / holding-up of the load / unloading )

3. Amplification of the Microscope: 200 × 400 ×

4. Dwell Time of the Test Force: (5-60)s

5. Min. Graduation Value of the Testing Drum Wheel: 0.01um

6. Testing Field: 1HV—2967HV

7. Dimension of the XY Table: 100 ×100 mm

8. Movement Field of the XY Table: 25 ×25mm

9. Max. height of the specimen :100 mm

10. Max. width of the specimen :98mm

11. Light source : cold light source

12. Power Supply : 110V/220V,60/50Hz

13. Dimension: (480 × 305 × 545)mm



Main accessories

XY-stage test table

Thin specimen test table

Fork-shaped test table

Fine wire test table

Adjustable screw

10×Digital Micro Lens

Micro Vickers hardness blocks (high medium)
